Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sly's Russian Vodka Ad

Thanx to Dardallone @ YouTube for this Russian vodka ad Sly did!
HA! Nice to see Sly making a bit of fun out of himself! Taking off his watch to put 3 huge guys into the street?!? And then coming home UNSCATHED and laughin' about it?!? Yep, we DO love ya, Sly! (And if he looks THAT good gettin' out of bed in the morning - OMG!! - sigh!)

Stinta & Mossy

Thanx to TheCatsPyjaaamas @ YouTube!
I just think this is the simplest and cutest video!
(And I LOVE cats!!)

Time to Kiss Johnny Depp!

Thanx to Topsuga over @ YouTube for this one.

"You're So ......Hot"

Thanx to pet6047 for making this over @ YouTube!